IMF Staff Discussion Notes by Title

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Title: Inequality and Unsustainable Growth : Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Author/Editor: Mr. Jonathan David Ostry ; Mr. Andrew Berg
Series: Staff Discussion Notes No. 11/8
Date: April 08, 2011
Subject(s): Economic growth | Developed countries | Income distribution | Emerging markets | Cross country analysis | Poverty reduction
Title: Inequality and Unsustainable Growth : Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Author/Editor: Mr. Jonathan David Ostry ; Mr. Andrew Berg
Series: Staff Discussion Notes No. 11/8
Date: April 08, 2011
Subject(s): Economic growth | Developed countries | Income distribution | Emerging markets | Cross country analysis | Poverty reduction
Title: Institutional Models for Macroprudential Policy
Author/Editor: Nier, Erlend ; Jácome, Luis ; Osinski, Jacek ; Madrid, Pamela
Series: Staff Discussion Notes No. 11/18
Date: November 01, 2011
Subject(s): Macroprudential Policy | Financial risk | Monetary policy | Risk management | Central bank role
Title: Institutional Models for Macroprudential Policy
Author/Editor: Nier, Erlend ; Jácome, Luis ; Osinski, Jacek ; Madrid, Pamela
Series: Staff Discussion Notes No. 11/18
Date: November 01, 2011
Subject(s): Macroprudential Policy | Financial risk | Monetary policy | Risk management | Central bank role
Title: Internationalization of Emerging Market Currencies--A Balance Between Risks and Rewards
Author/Editor: Ahmed, Faisal ; Wang, Shengzu ; Mateos y Lago, Isabelle ; Maziad, Samar ; Segal, Stephanie ; Farahmand, Pascal ; Das, Udaibir
Series: Staff Discussion Notes No. 11/17
Date: October 19, 2011
Subject(s): Currencies | Emerging markets | International monetary system | Financial stability
Title: Internationalization of Emerging Market Currencies--A Balance Between Risks and Rewards
Author/Editor: Ahmed, Faisal ; Wang, Shengzu ; Mateos y Lago, Isabelle ; Maziad, Samar ; Segal, Stephanie ; Farahmand, Pascal ; Das, Udaibir
Series: Staff Discussion Notes No. 11/17
Date: October 19, 2011
Subject(s): Currencies | Emerging markets | International monetary system | Financial stability

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